Friday, December 21, 2007

Holiday Break

PAC Campus Closed
Holiday Break
Dec. 20 - Jan. 2
Campus Re-Opens
Jan. 3, 8 a.m.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Ed Tijerina's Column

Please read Ed Tijerina's column in today's San Antonio Express-News for his report on Dr. Stacey Johnson's and the 1980 U.S. Olympic Team recognition.

Thanks, Ed!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Congratulations, Dr. Johnson!

Yesterday, Interim Vice President of Academic Affairs Stacey Johnson, a member of the 1980 U.S. Olympic Fencing Team, became one of 461 1980 U.S. Olympic Team athletes officially honored as having received a Congressional Gold Medal--the highest civilian honor that can be bestowed by Congress!

According to a United States Olympic Committee news release, 27 years after Congress authorized President Carter to present a congressional medal to the 461 athletes of the 1980 Olympic Team, the medal has now been confirmed as being the highest civilian honor that can be bestowed by Congress. Until this recent designation, the medals awarded to the 1980 Olympic Team have been denied full recognition due to a technicality in production.

The release further notes that with the recent designation, the medals awarded to the 1980 Team hold the same standing as the ones that have been awarded during the last 231 years to such luminaries as George Washington.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Jane Hope Memorial Scholarship Recipients

Congratulations to the following students who have been selected as recipients of the Jane Hope Memorial Scholarship! They should each receive $500 for the Spring 2008 semester. They are:

Andrea Moralez
Samantha Neubauer
Cindy Waterhouse

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

ACCD Charitable Campaign Update

A table will be set-up in the Student Center
During the President’s
Annual Holiday Luncheon
Friday, Dec. 14 11:30 a.m.
For anyone wanting to drop off their pledge form
and collect
Their “Thank You” Gift in a
Convenient Location!

Answers To The Most
Frequently Asked Questions
About Winning A Pair Of
Sensational SPURS Tickets
If you have already made a gift or pledge,
you are automatically entered in the next drawing.
Get your pledge form to my office or to your
Campus Campaign Coordinator
by close-of-business on Monday, Dec 17.
(You can still fax to 208-8108.)
Make sure to include your home phone number
so you can be notified of your winnings.
If you want to begin your payroll deductions
in your January 15 paycheck,
please submit your pledge form by Dec. 17.
Yes, we will be happy to e-mail a flattering photo
if you win a pair of SPURS tickets.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Annual Charitable Campaign Update

Palo Alto College’s 2007 ACCD’s Employees Annual Charitable Campaign is underway!!!

Here is what you need to do once your pledge form hits your desk (department’s should have received them in the PONY yesterday):

Section 1: Information should already be pre-printed on your form. If it isn’t, please fill it out as completely as possible.

Section 2: Only include the last four numbers of your SSN if you are contributing via payroll deduction. If you are contributing by cash, check or credit card, you do not need to fill out the SSN part.

Section 3: You can designate to give some or all your contributions to the ACCD Foundation or the United Way. Or you can go below that section of the form to the Additional Designations section and pick out a PAC ENTITY or charity of your choice, making sure you have written down the correct designation code. The designation codes are in a separate booklet. If you did not get this booklet, please email me so that I may send you one, or come by my office in ADM 112 to pick it up. I have included the codes for the PAC ENTITIES below.

Section 4: Please sign the form if you are contributing via payroll deduction! Once you’re done with the form, please PONY or bring it to my office. Everyone who contributes will receive a gift from the President in the form of a PAC coffee mug. There is also a Charitable Campaign Pin!

If you did not receive a form and would like to contribute, email or call me so that I may deliver you a blank form. Please try and return the forms to me as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your contribution to the 2007 ACCD Employees’ Annual Charitable Campaign!

Here is a COMPLETE LISTING of all PAC funds and codes:

Use where most needed at PAC 4400
Conjunto Program Scholarship 4413
DeLocou, Jason: Memorial Scholarship 4418
Guzman, Ryan Smith Memorial Scholarship 4415
Greene, Diane; Memorial Scholarship 4414
Hope, Jane; Memorial Scholarship 4407
Horticulture Scholarship 4419
Mariachi Program Scholarship 4412
Ozuna LRC Children’s Library Endowment 4450
Palo Alto Presidential Scholars 4416
Ray Ellison Family Center 4014
Riley, James B.; Memorial Scholarship in Acct. 4421
Tejeda, Frank M.; Memorial Scholarship 4404

Thank You for your Support!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Finals Week Refreshments/Films

Student Services and the Library Staff are offering free refreshments during Finals Week in the LRC!

If you need a break from studying, PAC's Communications Department is sponsoring a Palo Alto College Film Festival on Monday and Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. There will be a continuous screening of student films in the Student Center Annex on the plasma TV screen.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Please Watch Where You Park on Campus

There has been an increase in unauthorized vehicles parking in slots reserved for individuals with restricted physical handicaps. When contacted by ACCD Police, violators respond that they were “only going to park there for a few minutes.” Unauthorized vehicles parking in reserved slots, no matter the length of time, are in violation of ACCD’s Parking and Traffic Regulations and can be cited.

Traffic and Parking Regulation 018: Reserved parking spaces are provided for individuals with restricted physical handicaps and administrators. Special Vehicle Registration Tags/Decals are issued to identify these individuals. Parking in a reserved parking space, by persons other than designated, is prohibited.

The PAC Police Office located in the Student Center has brochures available that detail parking and traffic regulations. Please observe all traffic and parking regulations on campus.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

PAC Recognitions

I have just returned from San Antonio College where I attended a Holiday Party hosted by The Ranger staff. During the party, "awards" were presented to people who have been helpful and nuturing to the Ranger's staff in a variety of categories.

I am pleased to report that PAC President Dr. Ana M. "Cha" Guzman; Carmen Velasquez, Scholarship Coordinator; and I received individual "Honorable Mentions" for "The Sure Thing" award. This award is "in recognition of (a) reliable source who always returns phone calls in a timelyl manner. This source never needs to receive more than one phone message to get back to a reporter."

I was also pleasantly surprised to receive an "Honorable Mention" for "The Informant" award. This award is "in recognition of our most informative source who never failed to take the time to explain every detail to student reporters and helped make sure each story was reported fully and accurately."

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Spring Landscaping, Turfgrass Classes Available

Landscaping and Turfgrass classes
available at Palo Alto College.
Day and Evening classes available.
Hands On Training.
Financial Aid Available.
Classes start January 14, 2008.
Contact information - 210-921-5128,

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Aerotek's Job Fair TODAY!

Prospective employees continue to visit the recruiter's table at the Aerotek's Job Fair being held on campus in the Student Center Annex today! If you're interested in applying for a position as a Production Team member for the Toyota Motor Manufacturing Texas Plant in San Antonio, the recruiters will be on campus taking applications today until 4 p.m.

Applicants must be willing and able to perform physically demanding duties and work rotating shifts every two weeks and overtime. Good luck!

Monday, December 03, 2007

Aerotek's Job Fair

Want to help build the Toyota Tundra? Apply in-person at Aerotek's Job Fair on Tuesday, December 4 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., being held in the Student Center.

Aerotek is currently recruiting Production Team members for the Toyota Motor Manufacturing Texas Plant in San Antonio. Applicants must be willing and able to perform physically demanding duties and work rotating shifts every two weeks and overtime.

For more information, please call (210) 246-5443.