Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Meet Richard Perez

Palo Alto College,
The Student Activity Fee Committee, and
The Hispanic Heritage Month Committee

Richard Perez
President and CEO,
Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce

“Economic Impact on the Southside:
What it means to You!”

Thursday, Oct. 1
11:30 a.m.
Student Center Annex
Free and open to the public

Refreshments will be provided!

Go Green Recyclables Report

From the Go Green! Committee:

The numbers are in, and we are up to 36,919 pounds of rescued recyclables for the year!
January: 5,440 pounds
February: 4,240 pounds
March: 4,704 pounds
April: 3,980 pounds
May: 2,600 pounds
June: 2,505 pounds
July: 2,500 pounds
August: 5,210 pounds
September: 5,740 pounds
GRAND TOTAL: 36,919 pounds

At this rate, we should surpass 50,000 pounds (25 tons) by the end of the year!
Thank you for your continued support of this important endeavor, and an extra special thank you to those volunteers in each building who gather the recyclables each week. You ROCK!


GREEN recycling bins are for empty metal, empty plastic and empty glass containers.

GRAY recycling bins are for paper. (Cardboard should be broken down and placed to the side. Plastic-coated cardboard and paper, like textbook mailers and ream wrappers, are trash.)

TRASH CANS are for Styrofoam, food, candy wrappers, potato chip bags, tissues, paper towels, wax-coated cups and plastic utensils. (Please place trash cans right next to the recycling bins.)
Greenstar, our recyclables contractor, picks up on Thursday mornings.

Monday, September 28, 2009

McLaughlin's Retirement


TO: Alamo Colleges Family
FROM: Dr. Bruce Leslie, Chancellor
DATE: September 28, 2009
RE: Jim McLaughlin’s Retirement

It is with very mixed emotions that I share with you the good news that Jim McLaughlin, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration, has recently become engaged to be married and will retire effective December 31st in order to move back to New Mexico.

Jim will be sorely missed as he has brought a high level of professionalism to his work and dramatically improved the fiscal and administrative operations of the Alamo Colleges. His knowledge and skills have added immeasurably to the efforts of the entire system in modernizing and streamlining our operations and supporting the colleges and district operations as we have implemented new strategies to improve systems and tackle the many complexities of our district. Jim has established a high bar of integrity and at the same time, leaves having established a new foundation for service to both employees and students and a solid base for continued improvements.

I hope you will join me in congratulating Jim on his engagement and wish him the very best in his retirement.

Bruce H. Leslie
Alamo Colleges
201 W. Sheridan, Bldg. B
San Antonio, TX 78204-1429
(210) 485-0020 (Phone)
(210) 485-0024 (Fax)

Rosie Castro at San Antonio College

Rosie Castro, former La Raza Unida and Committee for Barrio Betterment leader, will speak about her pioneering efforts in San Antonio politics and the importance of youth involvement in current politics.

Friday, Oct. 2
10 -10:50 a.m.
San Antonio College
LSC Fiesta Room

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Ask A Mexican


I'm Gustavo Arellano. I was born in Anaheim, California, to a tomato canner and an illegal immigrant. My ¡Ask a Mexican! column won the 2006 Association of Alternative Newsweeklies award for the best column in a large circulation weekly. I'm a contributing editor to the Los Angeles Times and have appeared on Today, Nightline, NPR's On the Media, The Situation with Tucker Carlson, and The Colbert Report. I also mow lawns for $15 - $10 if I get a water break.

10 A.M.



You can find his columns here:!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Meet Hispanic Authors at Barnes and Noble

A Special Invitation on behalf of the Society of Latino and Hispanic Writers of San Antonio:
Please come and meet some of San Antonio's most prominent Hispanic authors at Barnes and Noble, San Pedro Crossing, as they participate in a Hispanic Heritage Month Author Panel, Saturday, Sept. 26 at 1 p.m. Free and open to the public.

The complete line-up includes:

Diana Lopez, author of "Confetti Girl"
Barbara Renaud Gonzalez, author of "Golondrina, Why Did You Leave Me?"
KENS-5's James Munoz, writing as James Michael Doughty, "Some Monuments to Last"
Lupe Gonzalez, author of "Too Late for Romance"
Gil Dominguez, author of "They Answered the Call"
Josie Mixon, author of "Reflections of My Battered Life"
Carlos Flores, author of "Our House on Hueco"
Jim Stewart, author of "Voices Within Us"
Roxanna Montes-Bazaldua, author of "Legend of the Cascaron"
Lupe Flores, author of several children's books
Bertha Jacobson, a contributor to "Hit List: Best of Latino Mystery"
Rebeca Gomez Galindo, author of "Habitantes de Mi Tiempo
Please come and attend what promises to be a delightful afternoon with prominent Hispanic authors, and get answers to questions about writing and publishing!

Alamo Colleges Viewbook

The Alamo Colleges Viewbook is now online! Please click on link to view: Viewbook

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Blue Shirt Friday

Sept. 25
Sponsored by PAC Staff Council

Win Prizes
Build PAC Spirit
Celebrate the Staff

All professional and classified PAC Staff are invited to wear the blue Staff T-Shirts that were given away at the Fall BBQ.

Sometime before 3:30 p.m., go to one of these locations and fill out a ticket for a drawing for some “c-o-o-l” prizes. You may only enter ONCE and you do not need to be present to win.

Drawing will be at 3:30 p.m. in the Ozuna Center Lobby.

EO 151 – VP/College Services Office – Contact: Connie Lozano
FOB 130 – English Offices – Contact: Sabina Cerda
OZU 126 – Gateway to College – Contact: Abel Gonzales

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Chancellor's Memorandum


FALL, 2009

TO: Alamo Colleges Family
FROM: Dr. Bruce Leslie, Chancellor
DATE: September 22, 2009
RE: Fall, 2009 Welcome Back

We have a number of accomplishments this past year to be proud of, several new initiatives well underway and a number of challenges I’d like to review with you as we welcome in the new fiscal year. First, let me congratulate everyone for the improvements we are seeing in student productive grade rates, course completion rates, and fall-to-fall retention rates. As you know from a previous Alamo Colleges Family email, in May the Board, as an extension of our Achieving the Dream efforts, charged us with increasing student success rates, especially those of our developmental students. There is room for improvement, but the good news is that we had a very productive and successful faculty retreat in June that has laid the foundation for a renewed emphasis on student success with a number of substantive, best practice strategies that will be implemented during the next couple of years. Kris Clark presented the plan at the Convocation on August 17th, and it is available on the Alamo Colleges’ web site ( The architects of this plan were over 200 faculty and staff from all the colleges and district. Their collective efforts will certainly benefit all of our current and future students.

Second, the entire Alamo Colleges family is to be commended for strengthening our level of student engagement over the past year. For the first time, the Alamo Colleges rate above the state and national average in student engagement as measured by the Community College Survey of Student Engagement. Over 650 community colleges participated in this survey. The excellence of all our employees is clearly reflected in these results.

Third, enrollments rose 14% this summer and 12% this fall achieving a new record enrollment of over 60,000 students! I have been especially pleased to hear from employees across the system that thanks to the dedication of staff, faculty and administrators, registration was among the smoothest ever despite the large enrollment increase.

Fourth, our state revenue for this year and next reflects a 6% increase, but we were disappointed that our request for $3.5 million in new start up-funds for NLC was reduced to $255,000 for each of the next two years. Given our explosive enrollment growth, we will actually be receiving substantially less revenue-per-student in the next two years than we did in the past two. We can also expect only a very small increase of approximately .06% in local tax revenues, a result of the flat assessed property valuations. This is a dramatic change from the increased revenues we had been receiving over the past several years and clearly challenges our budget. On top of all this, this week we received a copy of the Governor’s Executive Order charging the Higher Education Coordinating Board with reducing the costs of higher education in Texas. Clearly we face a fiscally challenging future. I am, however, confident that we will work through these challenges together and emerge as a stronger and more efficient district as a result.

Fifth, please keep your thoughts and ideas coming in via the Chancellor’s Suggestion Box located on my web page. Thus far your ideas have led to the reengineering of our travel procedures, assisted our efforts to reduce printing and production costs, initiated a reengineering of our CE delivery model, resulted in the establishment of an early retirement incentive, and reduced the cost of technology, just to name a few. We are all benefitting from your participation in this initiative. Thank you and well done!

Finally, I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce everyone to two new administrators. Mr. Jim Eskin has accepted the position of Executive Director of the ACCD Foundation replacing Roland Dubay. Jim comes to us with a number of years of experience as Vice President of Institutional Advancement at Our Lady of the Lake University, Director of Advancement at UTSA, Director of Corporate Communications at the Associated Milk Producers, Inc. in San Antonio and Director of Communications at the Agriculture Council of America in Washington, D.C. Jim was also a major force in organizing the fundraising in support of the construction of the Alamodome. We will be counting on Jim to reenergize our efforts to raise private funds in support of all the good work each of you do.

Dr. Robert Aguero has accepted the position of Vice Chancellor for Academic Success replacing Dr. Kris Clark. Robert most recently served as Vice Chancellor for Instruction at Tarrant County Community College, President of Austin Community College, Vice Chancellor of Instruction at the Dallas Community College District and President of Eastfield College. Robert thus brings great experience and his focus on developmental education will be especially valuable to our Student Success initiatives. It is my expectation that Robert will reach-out to faculty and staff and stimulate engagement in all our efforts dedicated to promoting student success and shared-governance.

Please join me in welcoming both Jim and Robert to the Alamo Colleges Family.

Bruce H. Leslie
Alamo Colleges
201 W. Sheridan, Bldg. B
San Antonio, TX 78204-1429
(210) 485-0020 (Phone)
(210) 485-0024 (Fax)

PAC--Study Abroad

This photo is from The Ranger Online: Courtesy photo
Palo Alto College students visited the Great Wall of China while studying abroad.

Here's an article in The Ranger Online regarding Study Abroad classes available at PAC: Students experience life through study abroad in China and Japan

Monday, September 21, 2009

National Hispanic-Serving Institutions Weke

Week of September 20-26 designated as

"National Hispanic-Serving Institutions Week"

The resolution calls for observances with appropriate ceremonies and activities
The Hispanic Association of Colleges & Universities (HACU) is proud to announce that last week Congress approved a resolution for the observance of a National Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs) Week. The resolution, introduced in the House by Congressman Raúl Grijalva and in the Senate by Senator Robert Menendez, designates September 20-26, 2009, as Hispanic-Serving Institutions Week.

“As Hispanic Heritage month is celebrated across the nation, the impact that Hispanic-Serving Institutions have made in higher education is deserving of national recognition,” said HACU President and CEO Antonio Flores. “We commend Congress for passing a resolution that honors the many achievements and contributions made by our nation's HSIs.”

HSIs are defined as colleges or universities where Hispanics constitute a minimum of 25% of the full time equivalent (FTE) undergraduate enrollment.

“Hispanic-Serving Institutions serve more than half of Hispanic college-going students,” said Grijalva. “Around the nation, these institutions serve the needs of this community and help to facilitate advanced educational training for this fastest growing group in our nation’s population. It is appropriate that we should set aside a time of recognition to honor these institutions.”

"As the only Hispanic Senator and Chair of the Senate Democratic Hispanic Task Force, I am proud to begin Hispanic Heritage Month by introducing a resolution that honors the importance of Hispanic-Serving Institutions in educating the next generation of Latino leaders,” said Menendez. “It is critical to honor those institutions that play a crucial role in increasing the access future generations of Latinos have to a better education, a better community, and a better future. We must continue to work to ensure Latino students have the resources they need to become contributing members of our society and economy."

The resolution calls on the people of the United States and interested groups to observe the week with appropriate ceremonies, activities, and programs to demonstrate support for HSIs.

Download the House resolution:

Download the Senate resolution:

Thursday, September 17, 2009

District to Launch Indoor Air Quality Program

The Alamo Colleges’ Safety Office, along with the Facilities Department, is implementing a routine, proactive Indoor Air Quality program starting September 21.

The program will be launched at Palo Alto College and will consist of standard air sampling in all buildings, including HVAC duct cleaning. Similar programs will later be launched at the other four colleges and district offices during the following months. This is the baseline year for our continuous program of air quality testing that will be continued thereafter.

Alamo Colleges’ Safety Officer Roy Brown has retained the services of AEHS Inc., a certified Environmental, Health, and Safety Consulting Firm, which will conduct air sampling and provide written reports. The project at Palo Alto College will begin September 21 and will be completed on October 16. The results will be posted online.
Questions can be directed to Roy Brown at (210) 254-0895.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Alamo Colleges see Enrollment Increase

TO: The Alamo Colleges Family

FROM: Dr. Bruce Leslie, Chancellor

DATE: September 15, 2009

SUBJECT: Great News!

Great news! Enrollment is up twelve percent (12%) from last fall. And, for the first time in the last three years (fall terms), all colleges have realized increases. With this record enrollment we are now serving over 60,000 students. Let me express my appreciation to you for making the Alamo Colleges the educational service provider of choice in our region. The community is clearly recognizing your collective efforts. Well done.

Have a great semester.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Student of the Month

The Palo Alto College Office of Student Life is accepting nominations for the Alamo Colleges Student of the Month. The Student of the Month will be recognized at the October 20, 2009 meeting of the Alamo Colleges Board of Trustees. Nominations can be made by completing the a nomination form available in the Office of Student Life, located in the Student Center, room 100. Forms are due Friday, Sept. 18.

Community College STEM Conference

Do you know what it takes to have a successful career in Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM)? Register to attend the Community College STEM conference and learn several invaluable ways to help you take that significant and important step in doing something about your career dream. This conference is open to all Community College students and by attending you will receive all the information necessary to launch your dream into a bona fide career.

Registration is just a click away:
Please register early because space is limited to the first 100 students.

Here are six reasons to sign up today:

* Learn about a career in the STEM field: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics and how it can come to life

* Visit the Texas A&M-Corpus Christi campus and picture yourself studying at the Island University after your graduation

* All expenses paid trip to Texas A&M-Corpus Christi

* Travel Stipend: Each participant will receive a travel stipend based on the location of their community college. (Details at:

* Enjoy a dinner reception at the Texas State Aquarium

* Win a FREE laptop!

Don't miss this exciting opportunity to learn about a STEM career. The Community College STEM conference will start on Thursday October 22 and end on Friday October 23, 2009! There is no cost for participating and the experience will be invaluable for you.

HOW TO REGISTER: Please register early because space is limited to the first 100 students. Please register online at:

Monday, September 14, 2009

Light the Night Walk

Patricia Montoya, Office Supervisor-Department of Public Relations, is forming a team to participate in the South Texas Chapter of "The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's LIGHT THE NIGHT WALK" beginning at the Institute of Texan Cultures, Saturday, Oct. 24. Check-in and festivities begin at 5:30 p.m., and the walk begins at 7 p.m.

Patricia would like to call the team "PAC Wings" and the PR Department will donate a PAC Wing T-shirt, cap and water bottle to each volunteer.

According to the Walker Manual, "Each year, thousands of walkers?raise funds to support lifesaving cancer research and provide information and services to blood cancer patients and their families." Patricia is hoping that each volunteer can raise $100 in donations for this cause. All walkers raising $100 or more will receive a "Light the Night" T-shirt from the Society. All registered fundraising participants will receive an illuminated balloon.

If you would like to be a part of the team, please email Patricia at by Sept. 25. For more information, please call her at 486-3880.

Thank you

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Strength in What Remains

Thank you to everyone who has emailed me regarding my book review in today's Express-News. In case you missed it, please click on title: Strength in What Remains

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Males Needed for Focus Group

We need two male students--18-years-old--for a focus group downtown at the ACCD office with Representative Joaquin Castro. The Alamo Colleges are bringing together a focus group of 30 students from the five colleges on Thursday, Sept. 17 at 12:30 p.m. We already have females for the focus group.

Representative Castro will be able to directly address students’ aspirations and concerns as he works with the Texas House Committee of Higher Education to develop legislation to benefit students as they pursue their degrees at the Alamo Colleges and continue their educations at four-year transfer institutions of higher learning.

· The opportunities they believe are available to them with a higher education
· The opportunities they believe are available to them at the Alamo Colleges
· The problems they encounter in attaining the goal of higher education
· The obstacles they face in obtaining financial aid

Alamo Colleges Focus Group
Alamo Colleges – District Offices
201 W. Sheridan, Bldg. E
Killen Building, Board Room 101
Thursday, September 17

12:30-1:00 p.m. Pizza Lunch in Foyer

1:00-2:30 p.m. Alamo Colleges Focus Group with Representative Joaquin Castro

If interested, please call the Department of Public Relations at (210) 486-3880.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Library Carpet Update

Fri, 9/11

· The Circulation Desk is expected to be recarpeted over the weekend, so there will be limited services available from that service desk. Patrons will be able to borrow materials from the stacks, return materials, and pay fines. The Reserve Collection and DVDs might not be accessible over the weekend.

· Except for conference room OZU 206 which remains closed, all of the second floor is fully functional.

· The first floor will remain closed over the weekend including the Children’s Library.

· The whole recarpeting project is expected to be completed by next Tuesday or Wednesday.

Please pass this along to all who frequent the library on the weekends.

Thank you and have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

9-11 Memorial Service

©2002 Jim Watts

Palo Alto College’s
Student Government Association
Will present a
9-11 Memorial Service

Friday, Sept. 11
9:11 a.m.
Student Center Annex

Everyone is invited to attend.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

PAC Bereavement Notice

To PAC Community:

This is to inform you that one of our students, 19-year-old Mario Alberto Raygoza, died last weekend.

The Express-News story is at

Castillo Funeral Home, 520 N. Gen. McMullen Dr., is handling arrangements. Phone is 432-8586.

Visitation begins at 1 p.m. Wednesday with a Rosary at 7 p.m. at the funeral home. Funeral Mass is scheduled at 10 a.m. Thursday at San Martin de Porres Catholic Church, 1730 Dahlgreen.

Our condolences to Mario's family and friends

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Gustavo Arellano at PAC

Save the Date: Gustavo Arellano, author of "Ask A Mexican" which appears weekly in the San Antonio Current, will give a presentation brought to you by the PAC Student Service Fee Activity Committee. Monday, Sept. 28, PAC Student Center Annex, 10 a.m.

Monday, September 07, 2009

An Invitation

An Invitation from the Society of Latino and Hispanic Writers of San Antonio:

Fellow Writer,

September brings a wealth of events to the Society of Latino and Hispanic Writers of San Antonio thanks to the celebration of Hispanic Heritage month nationwide.

Our staunch supporters--Barnes and Noble, San Pedro Crossing and La Cantera--have generously offered to host two fundraising events for us, but it will require us to do a lot of promotion to our family, friends and colleagues.

The first fundraising event will be held on Tuesday, September 22, at the Barnes and Noble, La Cantera, at 7 p.m. This event is entitled:

• Platicas: Latino Authors Talk About Publishing
Listen to local authors published by Arte Publico Press, Cinco Puntos Press, Wings Press
and other small presses.
Three local authors will share their publication stories:
Diane Gonzales Bertrand – author of Ricardo’s Race and other books
Xavier Garza – author of Charro Claus and the Tejas Kid and other books
Carmen Tafolla – author of What Can You Do with a Rebozo? And other books

Our second fundraising event will be held at Barnes and Noble, San Pedro Crossing, on Saturday, Sept. 26 at 1 p.m. This event will feature a multitude of talented members of our Society speaking about their works.

Authors scheduled to appear include: Diana Lopez, Barbara Renaud Gonzalez, Lupe Gonzalez, Gil Dominguez, Josie Mixon, James Michael Doughty (aka James Munoz—KENS-5 News), Carlos Flores, Jim Stewart, Berta Jacobson, Roxanna Montes-Bazaldua, Lupe Flores and Becky Galindo.

Don't forget our monthly meeting, Monday, Sept. 14 at Barnes and Noble, San Pedro Crossing at 7:30 p.m., featuring Barbara Renaud Gonzalez! If you have not had a chance to hear Barbara in person, don't miss this free opportunity! Barbara is the author of the well-reviewed work, Golondrina, Why Did You Leave Me?

Thank you for all your support of the Society of Latino and Hispanic Writers of San Antonio. We look forward to seeing you at some of these events!

Keep Writing,

Friday, September 04, 2009

Chicano Art Presentation at PAC

Here is your opportunity to catch a “Sneak Preview” of a National Launch of a two-DVD set featuring prominent San Antonio Artists at Palo Alto College, FA 109, on Thursday, Sept. 10 at 6:30 p.m.!

San Antonio’s Gallilsta Gallery and seven of its prominent artist are being recognized with a major two-DVD set that debuts nationally with celebrations in San Antonio on Sept. 11 and 12. Yo soy/I am: The San Antonio Gallista Community features the works of José Esquivel, Xavier Garza, Luis “Chispas” Guerrero, Celina Hinojosa, Joe López, Roberto Sifuentes, and Deborah Vasquez. All the artists have been invited to attend and some of their works will be on display at this event.

The Yo soy/I am series is part of the Arizona State University Hispanic Research Center’s ongoing project to document the work and careers of Chicana/o artists, and it features interviews with artists who have made significant contributions.

The event is free and open to the public—invite your friends! Refreshments will follow the presentation. Books will be available for purchase.

For more information, Please call PAC’s Public Relations Department at (210) 486-3880. RSVPs are requested at the same phone number by Tuesday, Sept. 8.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Limited Access to Library Services

REMINDER: The library is being recarpeted.

The 2nd floor open book stack area including the study rooms will be inaccessible beginning Thurs, Sept 3 through Wed, Sept 9.

Note Revised Dates below.

Sept 1 – 18, 2009

The following outlines the library’s limitations during this time period:

· The Information Concourse (a.k.a. computer lab) is closed through Fri, Sept 4. Students may access limited computer services in the library’s instruction room (OZU 200).
· Library instruction taught by the library faculty will be scheduled in classrooms outside of the library while OZU 200 is being used as a computer lab for students.
· Different portions of library materials will be inaccessible during the recarpeting of the open stacks areas.
· Group Study rooms will be unavailable Sept 3 - 9.
· The Children’s Library will be closed Sept 10 – 18.
· The Reserve Collection will be inaccessible Sept 14 – 17.
· The library’s conference room (OZU 206) will be unavailable throughout the recarpeting project.

Please bear with us during this project.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

District 4 Graffiti Wipeout

Below is a request from City Councilman Philip Cortez's office for volunteers needed for a District 4 Graffiti Wipeout. If you know of any students, or organizations, looking to fulfill volunteer hours or just wishing to help out in the betterment of the district Palo Alto College resides in, please contact Jeremy at the email or phone number provided in his email.

Please be sure to mention that you're with Palo Alto College. Please let me know if you will be participating so that I can try to arrange (or direct) some media coverage in your direction.

There will be a complimentary luncheon after the event sponsored by the Councilman's Office.

Thank you,

From: Jeremy Hahn []
Sent: Tue 9/1/2009 2:18 PM
To: Jeremy Hahn
Subject: 2009 Graffiti Wipeout for District 4

Hello all!
Here is the latest information I have for our 2009 Graffiti Wipeout Community Service Event. While two of them will be abating graffiti, one of them will be a trash pick-up that is sorely needed in our district.

Location 1) Graffiti Abatement: Intersection of Cullin Street and West Formosa.We estimate 100 volunteers for this project.

Location 2) Graffiti Abatement: Behind Mama Margies on South Zarzamora and IH 35. You would actually drive into the parking lot; we will have markers there to show you where we are located.We estimate 50 volunteers for this project.

Location 3) Trash Pick-up: Intersection of Medina Base Road and Holm. We will have all necessary equipment there for you such as trash bags, gloves, etc.We estimate 100 volunteers for this project.

This event is from 9am to 1130am on September 26th, 2009. There will be a complimentary lunch immediately after at Camargo Park.

We can not have too many volunteers! We hope to have 250 total volunteers for these 3 projects. We do have additional projects ready to go if we have more volunteers than we expect. While I know that it is impossible to ask for these volunteers from you specifically, any volunteers you are able to find or recruit would be so greatly appreciate by me; please feel free to forward this email to anyone else or any other organization that may be interested.

If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at my cell phone: 210-383-3205. I would like to get an estimate of how many volunteers I have by September 7th. This will give me enough time to meet with you to hand out the form that must be signed stating that you are volunteers. I have attached the flier if you would like to make copies but I can provide copies if necessary.

Thank you again for all of your help and I look forward to working with you.

Jeremy P. Hahn
City Council District 4
Council Office: 210-207-7058
Field Office: 210-678-0044
Fax Number: 210-678-0099

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

New Works by Karen Hogensen


An opening reception will be held Friday night, September 4, from 7-10 p.m., at Studio 2410, 1016 S. Presa, San Antonio, TX, 78210. All are invited to attend this photographic showing of images taken by Karen Hogensen in May 2006 while in China with other Palo Alto faculty and students. For more information call (210) 264-6225.