Thursday, March 11, 2010

Spring Break Helpful Hints

As we approach Spring Break 2010, the Alamo Colleges Police Department would like to remind you of the following safety tips:

• Always stay in the proximity of at least one friend, and preferably two or three. Adhere strictly to this "buddy system" and do not leave with someone other than your buddies. Be sure to choose buddies you can trust.
• Do not leave with strangers, even if it seems like a good idea at the time. Always err on the side of caution and trust your instincts.
• Carry a cell phone with you in case of an emergency.
• Carry your identification and important medical information on your person in case of an emergency.
• Watch your drink very carefully! Be aware of "date rape" drugs that people may try to sneak into your drink. Never accept a drink from a stranger or let someone else hold your drink.
• Do not drink and drive.
• Be aware of all local laws and regulations involving alcohol, especially if you are travelling abroad.
• Make sure you know the signs and symptoms of alcohol poisoning.
• Drink lots of water! Don't rely on alcoholic or carbonated beverages to quench your thirst, as these drinks can actually make you more dehydrated. If the local drinking water is questionable, make sure you have an abundant supply of bottled water.
• Take as few valuables with your on your trip as possible,
• Always lock your hotel room door.
• If you are traveling abroad, keep your passport in a secure location at all times.

The U.S. State Department web site lists several travel alerts related to violence in Mexico. Travelers should always check that web site for the most up-to-date information related to security issues in Mexico. (See ).
If you have any questions, please contact the Alamo Colleges Police Department at 210-485-0099.