Alamo Colleges 2009 Recycling Totals
From Dr. Denise Barkis Richter,Chair, Go Green! İViva Verde! Committee:
In 2009, the Alamo Colleges rescued 377,404 pounds of recyclables (paper, cardboard, plastic, metal and glass):
Northeast Lakeview College: 24,155 pounds
Palo Alto College: 53,599 pounds
Northwest Vista College: 65,805 pounds
St. Philip’s College: 83,925 pounds
San Antonio College: 149,920 pounds
TOTAL: 377,404 pounds*
(*These figures, provided by our recyclables contractor Greenstar, do not include the Sheridan Street, Pat Booker or Houston Street administrative locations. Those numbers are available, but I wanted to know what the five colleges had rescued.)
If you use the current Spring 2010 enrollment, which is similar to Fall 2009 enrollment, you can figure the amount of recyclables collected per student:
Northeast Lakeview College: 24,155 pounds/4,562 students=5.3 pounds per student
Palo Alto College: 53,599 pounds/8,047 students=6.7 pounds per student
Northwest Vista College: 65,805 pounds/14,584 students=4.5 pounds per student
St. Philip’s College: 83,925 pounds/10,731 students=7.8 pounds per student
San Antonio College: 149,920 pounds/21,589 students=6.9 per student
So, it looks like St. Philip’s College has the best recycling total per student…as much as it pains me to admit that! Still, we at Palo Alto College are proud of what we have accomplished, and I think that the District should be commended for keeping 377,404 pounds of recyclables out of San Antonio’s landfill. The volunteers who collect the recyclables each week deserve special recognition and a giant thank you.
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