Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Charitable Campaign Begins!

Dear Faculty and Staff,

It looks like there’s an electronic kick-off to the 2007 Annual Charitable Campaign!

Dr. Guzmán would like to offer everyone at PAC who contributes to this year’s campaign—no matter the donation amount—a PAC coffee mug as a token of her appreciation for your generosity.

If you are submitting your contribution as indicated in an email from Steve Babb, I can give you your coffee mug upon confirmation from Mr. Babb’s office that your form has been submitted, or You can bring your form to my office and I will give you your mug. I will then forward your form to Mr. Babb.

I have tried the links and they work, so you shouldn’t have any problems.

Pictured above are what the coffee mug looks like.

Fill out and submit your form soon so that you may be eligible for the drawing featuring the Spurs tickets! If you have any questions, please call or email me.