Thursday, December 11, 2008

PAC Charitable Campaign "A Success"

Dear PAC Family,

Pardon my grammar but you guys are awesome!

Thank you for your participation in the 2008 ACCD Charitable Giving Campaign. As you can see from the email below, your generosity has set a District record! And a lot of deserving students and agencies will receive must needed financial assistance thanks to you.

I hope everyone who contributed has received his or her "Thank You" gift. If not, please come by my office and pick it up.

Thank you once again for opening your hearts and pocketbook to the ACCD Foundation and the Bexar County United Way.

With Great Admiration,

Sent: Wed 12/10/2008 3:54 PM
Subject: Employee Charitable Giving Appeal ends with a SUCCESSFUL BANG

CONGRATULATIONS to Susan Espinoza, Sarah Padilla, Jorge Trevino, Gloria Hernandez, Vincent Bosquez, Christin Godin, Deb Morgan, Pat Majors, and Joan Barborak who carried out the lion’s share of coordinating, encouraging, facilitating, recording, etc. the MOST SUCCESSFUL EVER Employees’ Charitable Giving Appeal: FINAL TOTAL is $145,250.

We exceeded our GOAL of $140,000, & are $17,250 OVER our high of last year (and did it all in 6 weeks … instead of 3 months as in past years) … EFFECTIVE & EFFICIENT. Congratulations to all!!!! AND A BIG THANK YOU. I appreciate all your hard work and efforts.

Roland C. DuBay, Th.D.
Executive Director, Institutional Advancement