Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Chancellor's Suggestion Box


TO: The Alamo Community Colleges Family

FROM: Dr. Bruce Leslie, Chancellor

DATE: December 9, 2008

SUBJECT: Chancellor’s Suggestion Box

As the economy continues to deteriorate, the future financial health of ACC becomes of greater concern. This recent downturn will certainly negatively affect our level of state support and, most likely, result in a greater number of students at our door. Because we cannot rely on the state for substantial new revenues, we must turn to ourselves for solutions. With this in mind, I have created a Chancellor’s Suggestion Box (located on my web page) to collect the thoughts and ideas from all employees. In my experience, it is those that are closest to the customers and processes that typically have the best insight as to how to cut costs, generate additional revenues, and increase operational efficiencies. In short, ACC needs your help.

Please take a moment to provide your feedback via the link below. I am confident that, collectively, we will be able to identify many areas for improvements and thus strengthen our fiscal position. Your thought-leadership on this initiative will be critical to our short- and long-term success both operationally and financially.

I have also directed that a committee be formed to review the recommendations and advise me of those that have the greatest merit. The committee will be co-chaired by Jim McLaughlin and Tom Cleary and consist of two representatives from each college and district.

As an added incentive, the ACC Foundation has agreed to award cash bonuses to those submitting the best actionable ideas.

As always, I appreciate all the important work that each of you do along with your continued support of, and dedication to, the students and communities of ACC.

Chancellor’s Suggestion Box