PAC Happenings
Get ready for ACCD College Connections at PAC!
PAC students visit the Nation's Capitol!
--PAC took the first step in preparing for the ACCD College Connections program with the Harlandale and Edgewood Independent School Districts. The College Connections program has been adopted from Austin Community College model. The program works with students in preparing them for college and works toward a 100 percent participation rate. Services provided by the ACCD team include orientation, admissions, testing and advising.
--Veronica Rosas-Tatum, Instructor of Business and Management, chaperoned eight SGA students to the American Student Government Association’s national conference held in Washington, D.C. She directed students in choosing workshops, and coordinated visits to national attractions such as the Holocaust Museum, Lincoln Monument, Jefferson Monument and the Smithsonian Museum. One of the trip’s highlights was meeting on the steps of the Capitol with Congressman Ciro Rodriguez and a tour of the Capitol conducted by a student intern from UTSA who is spending the semester in DC. This was SGA’s first attendance at this type of conference and the information, networking and insights gained were incredible.
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