From Gina Lopez, ACCD Inventory Control Manager:
Recent email notices from departments offering ACCD property to other departments at the campus level have prompted a review of procedures for redistribution of excess property.
As a reminder, a 'wait list' is maintained by the Inventory Control Staff for departments who are seeking used items not currently available at the District Warehouse. When items become available at a campus, the requestor is contacted to view the property. If the property is wanted it is redistributed to that requestor. If the property is not wanted it is then redistributed on a 'first come, first served' basis.
Redistribution of property at the campus level is for department use only and must be coordinated through Inventory Control. If the excess items are not needed on the campus, then the items must be returned to the District Warehouse as surplus. We will then take the necessary steps to redistribute them or dispose of them in accordance with District policy.
As always, your cooperation and attention to this important matter is appreciated. If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 921-4688, or by email at
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