Thursday, August 16, 2007

PAC Weather Update I

Heavy rains have been pouring on campus all day today causing flooding on the roadway on a portion of West Villaret Boulevard from Poteet Highway 16 leading into the college.

Please be careful in this area: TURN AROUND, DON’T DROWN!

Recommendations for exiting the college is via the westbound Loop 410 frontage road. On entering the college, you may consider the entrance off Loop 410 (but you would have to be traveling west), or the entrance off Jennifer Street by W. Villaret Blvd.

Facilities and Maintenance is aware of the leaks and water seepage in buildings located throughout the campus. We apologies for the inconvenience and request everyone’s patience as teams go from building to building to assess leaks, seepage and damage.

For the latest on campus-related weather conditions, please call the ACCD Weather Line at 210.208.8189.