Saturday, April 10, 2010

An Invitation from SLHW

Sarah Cortez

An invitation from the Society of Latino and Hispanic Writers of San Antonio:


There are two pieces of information I would like to share with you.

Our monthly meeting of the Society of Latino and Hispanic Writers of San Antonio will be this Monday, April 12 at the Barnes and Nobles, San Pedro Crossing, at 7:30 p.m. We have 10 fellow writers who have signed up to share with us up to 5 minutes of their written works! This is our quarterly "Cinco Minutos with You" event that always unveils interesting stories and gives writers the opportunity to receive feedback on the stories they have written.

Please make every effort to attend what promises to be an enjoyable evening!


Winning Author, Poet and Editor, Sarah Cortez.

Sarah Cortez, a friend of the Society of Latino and Hispanic Writers of San Antonio, will be attending the Texas Library Association Conference in San Antonio. She would like to visit with us, so we have organized a dinner with Sarah and we hope that you can come and join us!

Wednesday, April 14 at 6:30 p.m.
La Paloma Blanca Mexican Restaurant
5800 Broadway Street San Antonio, TX 78209-5259(210) 822-6151

In order to make reservations, we would like to get a headcount by Tuesday April 13. Please let Bertha Jacobson at know if you are planning on attending as soon as possible--of course, we will each be responsible for paying for our own meal.

Note: Sarah facilitates and edits anthologies that have been well received nationwide. This is a wonderful opportunity for a writer to meet with an editor who has a proven track record of publishing anthologies that gives beginning writers an opportunity to be read. This is a definite, do-not-misss opportunity to meet with an experienced writer and editor in a relaxed, social setting and get valuable advice on writing and publishing.