Tuesday, November 04, 2008

District Fun--Nov. 11

Take a look at what's going on at District in support of this year's ACCD Charitable Giving Appeal. The information comes from Roland DuBay:
Drs. Bruce Leslie, Federico Zaragoza, and Roland DuBay are each in --- the attached photo of Dr. Tom Cleary, Pat Major and Roger Castro will shed light on what transpired on October 31 at Houston St. when staff heard they could “whip up” on the THREE.

On VETERAN’S DAY, November 11, 11:30am-1:00pm, we are planning a Hot Dog & Sausage Cook Out at the Sheridan St. Administrative Complex (a $1 donation would be welcome). BUT HERE the FUN BEGINS: at 12:30pm, Drs. Leslie, Zaragoza, DuBay (& others from the Chancellor’s Executive Committee who may wish to volunteer) will line up to be “whipped up” at $5.00 a throw. Tickets will go on sale tomorrow at $5.00 each and count as a contribution for the Employees’ Charitable Giving Appeal (Tuesday, Nov. 4th). On sale at the Office of Institutional Advancement, 201 W. Sheridan, Suite C-3.

The important part of all this is to engage our giving community in participating in a very worthy cause while having a little fun.

Roland C. DuBay, Th.D.
Executive Director, Institutional Advancement
Alamo Community College District & Foundation