Tour Walkway Outside Fine Arts Bldg!
Please come by the walkway outside the
PAC Fine Arts Building
to see the results of
Palo Alto Student
Gallery100 Artist Katie Pell!!
PAC Fine Arts Building
to see the results of
Palo Alto Student
Gallery100 Artist Katie Pell!!
Brief Description:
Based on her exhibition in Gallery100, some tiny acts of immeasurable benefit, artist Katie Pell asked students to create a flag that would “make a wish” for something that “could not do so for itself”. The collection of these flags, to be hung together, is based on Tibetan prayer flags which are placed out in the wind to send prayers out to the universe. Regardless of personal beliefs in the power of prayer, the existence of karma, or complete solipsism, the act of speaking for something that can not speak for itself is could potentially have no direct, personal benefit. But, the power behind such tiny acts is that they can each potentially change the world.
Karen Mahaffy, Assistant Professor
Fine & Performing Arts/Speech Communication
Palo Alto College
1400 West Villaret
San Antonio, TX 78224
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