Friday, June 13, 2008

Wanted: Screenwriters

The Society of Latino and Hispanic Writers of San Antonio is hosting Alex Nogales, President and CEO of The National Hispanic Media Coalition, based in Pasadena, CA., regarding an excellent opportunity for screenwriters to have their work reviewed by network executives.

Mr. Nogales' is traveling from California to look for writers who can write at least one half-hour comedy or one-hour dramatic television script in English within a five-week period to participate in the Fall 2008 Latino Television Writers Program.T

he National Hispanic Media Coalition's goal for this program is to have more programming on television featuring Hispanics.If selected, and only a handful are, you will be required to travel and stay in Los Angeles from Nov. 8 to Dec. 13. A stipend of $250 per week will be given to each participant. Flight, housing and meals will be provided. Writers whose scripts show promise will be interviewed and mentored by network executives from NBC and ABC with the idea of placing them on a show.

NHMC reports nine (9) writers from previous sessions have already been placed.There is a formal application to fill out, along with writing samples to submit. The deadline to submit is Sept. 2 and the selections will be announced Oct. 16.

For more information on this wonderful opportunity, please attend this special Society meeting on Wednesday, June 25 at 7 p.m. at the Barnes and Noble, San Pedro Crossing. Please help me in spreading the word to all aspiring screen writers.

For more information, post a comment on this blog or call me at (210) 845-4582.