Thursday, June 07, 2007

Saving Trees at PAC

As work begins on Palo Alto College’s $21.1 million Convocation Center, Dr. Ana M. “Cha” Guzmán, PAC President, has sought and received assistance from the City of San Antonio to save five cedar elm trees located in the construction area.

The trees, estimated to be 20-years-old, had been previously marked for destruction. The trees will be relocated to Palo Alto Terrace Park, located at 9700 Celeste. There are currently no trees in the park.

“Our commitment is to be responsible to the environment so that our children’s children will enjoy theirs,” said Dr. Guzmán. “The shade of these trees at a park near Palo Alto will bring enjoyment to our community.”

The first tree was transplanted June 5 and the final tree is scheduled to be transplanted June 11. SpawGlass Construction, which is building the Convocation Center, is overseeing the transplanting of the trees. City of San Antonio employee Samuel Holmes, who is performing the actual transplanting of the trees, is also a PAC student majoring in Landscape and Horticulture Science.